Monday, December 17, 2018

Claims to have cured several HIV infected patients|| Dr. DHANIRAM BARUAH || AN OFF THE TRACK DOCTOR

18TH DEC,2018
Recently, researchers from Germany and Switzerland reported that “modifications to a cross-species transplantation approach… for the first time has enabled baboons that received genetically modified pig hearts to survive more than six months”.

The researchers replaced the hearts of five baboons with those from genetically engineered pigs. This is seen as a breakthrough in human trials for inter-species transplants.

Interestingly, in 1997, Dr Dhani Ram Baruah was arrested for transplanting a pig heart to a human recipient.

The fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians in the UK, Baruah is now confined to his office at a 50-acre campus he set up with his life’s savings.

Half a world away from Munich, Baruah is not surprised by the findings. “I was the pioneer,” he told TOI. “Whoever transplants a pig heart into a human now, I was the first to do it successfully with seven days’ survival. Xenotransplantation has a bright future if it goes in the right direction.”

   An Assam doctor claims to have cured several HIV infected patients. Dr Dhani Ram Baruah, a cardiac surgeon from Assam, has claimed to have found the cure for HIV. The biological molecules isolated from the plant have the power to fight off the HIV virus, he claimed.
Last year he claimed he found a cure for HIV/AIDS and that he's already treated 86 people of it.

Baruah clearly doesn't fret too much about getting approval from the universal authorities that regulate the ethical practice of medicine. In 2015 the crazy doctor has gone on record and said, "I and my team have worked hard for the past 18 years and found the cure for HIV/AIDS by using biological molecules isolated from edible medicinal plants that are available in the Himalayan region. I have named them Baruah Biological Combat Genes which are used as biological missiles to kill the dreaded HIV virus to improve the immune system,"

“Way back in 1997, Baruah had transplanted a pig’s heart into a 32-year-old man, Purno Saikia, who had a ventricular septal defect, or hole in the heart. With Baruah was an equally controversial Hong Kong-based cardiac surgeon, Dr Jonathan Ho Kei-Shing.
He had his own run-in with the Chinese government in 1992, when he fit heart valves made from ox tissue — designed by Baruah — into human patients,” says a report by TOI.
The surgery lasted for about 15 hours. Saikia died of multiple infections a week later.
Both Baruah and Ho were arrested and charged under section 304 (culpable homicide not amounting to murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and section 18 of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 (removal of the human organ without authority).Courtesy: The Times Of India

In a press conference, he claimed to have cured several patients affected by this dreaded disease. The doctor said “Genomic cure of patients with HIV /AIDS/GTIDs is unknown till now. These diseases are indispensable and invincible and spread every year with a minimum of 10-15 per cent. I have developed and patented 29 biological combat genes called Baruah biological combat genes which I am using to cure these dreaded diseases since last many years.”

After many years of intense research, the genetic engineer claimed to have cured the dreaded disease.

He also paraded before the media one of his patients Vijender Singh, who revealed that he is out of danger. The middle-aged man from Haryana claimed recovery after he was attended by the controversial genetic engineer.

“According to routine laboratory tests, he was positive and wife was negative. But their pretreatment genomic status revealed that both of them were genomically positive and hence, I treated both of them. Their short-term posttreatment genomic tests were genomically negative and they were leading normal lives. But to see the long-term effects of Baruah Biological Combat Genes, we have repeated his genomic test recently after 8years, which revealed no change in his post-treatment results and he is still Genomically negative.” Dr Baruah claimed.

“This genomic test not only identifies the HIV infection but also the genes affected by the virus and its future manifestation”, he said

In 1997 he claimed to have transplanted a pig's heart into a 32-year-old man in a gruelling 15-hour procedure

The patient is rumoured to have survived for seven days before his new non-human heart failed him.
The medical community and news fraternity dismissed his hoax, he was later jailed for 40 days over this controversy.

Baruah later signed a statement saying that the surgery never took place. What's more, he was jailed for 40 days over this controversy and the issue of ethical medical practice surrounding it.

Dr.Dhani Ram Baruah Heart Institute & Research Centre

Address: Sonapur, jokdal, Assam 782402, INDIA
Phone: +91 99540 99549

Tuesday 9–11am
Wednesday 9–11am
Thursday 9–11am
Friday 9–11am
Saturday 9–11am
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