Thursday, November 29, 2018

What a good relationship is and what a life partner expects from you ?

by Santanu Kr Dutta, 29.11.18 

TRUST is the main factor of a good relationship and it will sail your togetherness until the end. It is well said that A real-life partner accepts your past, supports your present and encourages for future.

Sometimes, women are in a mood of an utmost sensitive state which may be caused due to biological change or to keep off some stress and search for a little time to share with near ones.  This emotional search always opens their mouth to say some lines like, "You don't like me", "You have changed", "Nowadays you don't spend time with me", "I am not feeling well, wanna go for an outing"etc.

 I believe, women possess a very strong foresight characteristic and they see and speak in advance about what is going to happen and this quality becomes mature after their marriage.

Being a kind-hearted husband, I understand her feelings and analyze why she is behaving like this. She is not a depressed lady but three to four educational degrees reside behind her name and not economical to give a smile.
Sometimes homemaker female feels alone and gets bored with monotonous daily routine. Then it becomes difficult to bring a smile on their face. Women always like surprises although gents are unable to do such activities regularly.

We, men, should try to give much more time to his family, especially to his wife. I believe, people need money but shouldn't run after money. Since it will take you away from your dear ones and relatives. Some child meets their father only on weekends because he (father) left early for work at dawn; when his child is on the bed and comes back at late night when his child is again in sleep. They also realize but workload, affinity to become rich never let them come out of this dilemma.

In some situation, it needs to be arrogant but fulfil her desires in a dashing way. Basically, men always try to soothe their injured sentiments, failures by blaming someone. So, instead of sitting in front of Television give a smile when he returns from office and before you proceed for elaborating your bad experiences in last 12 to 14 hours of time; allow him to sit for a while to drink a glass of water.

Husband-wife relation is really like a battery operated car which needs regular charging by various means to revamp.

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